[Stan, 2004-10-06]
>  > What's a good tool to do some really lightweight editeing on them with?
>  > Mostly I just need to rotate the vertical ones, but I _might_ do just a
>  > little cropping on some few.

[John Mills, 2004-10-06]
>  ImageMagick (and sibs - it's a collection of utilities, like gcc) does a
>  good job of resizing, thumbnails, format conversion, etc. Check the man
>  pages for rotation commands - I haven't tried that. It has a GUI (as
>  'display'), is very handy for scripting, and pretty lightweight, too.

If this is images from a digital camera, you might want to use jhead to
preserve the exif-tags in the image files before tampering with them with

    Svein Halvor
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