Brian wrote:

Lots of ram is they all have at least 512mb.

That *is* enough. =) I didn't have problems at 512mb, so far...

I should take "Secure" out of there I'm fairly well up on FreeBSD Security
and all boxes are behind a well maintained FreeBSD Router/Firewall.

I have all those books :)

I don't have too much experience running servers on FreeBSD (my local server/gateway runs NetBSD for historical reasons, so to speak, and I like it as well), but if you have experience with FreeBSD and like it, I think you'll like it just as much on the desktop.
XFree/ can be a little nasty sometimes, but once it works, it mostly stays that way.
And since you have prior experience and plenty of good documentation available, I think you will have lots of fun. =)

Kind regards,
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