On Oct 23, 2004, at 11:11 PM, Joe Marcus Clarke wrote:

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Eric Crist wrote:
| Hello all,
| How could I have a search capability similar to that of the FreeBSD
| website? I thought it was a feature of pipermail, but it's not looking
| like that's the case. I'm not very good at coding, so I was hoping
| there is some sort of port or plugin for pipermail.

You can build the mailman port with htdig support (which is was what
FreeBSD.org uses).  It's a snap to setup.  Just define WITH_HTDIG when
building mailman, then follow the included documentation (or read
Defaults.py) for enabling htdig with pipermail/mailman.


Is this something I can simply do a make deinstall && make -DWITH_HTDIG reinstall without destroying my current mailing lists? I'm new to the whole mailman/mailing list stuff.

Eric F Crist
Secure Computing Networks

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