On Tue, Oct 26, 2004 at 09:54:45PM +0100, Alexandre Vieira wrote:
> Hello,
>   I have a machine with an Intel p4 3.2ghz FSB800 w/ 1MB L2 cache and
> I wanted to know your opinion about some kernel options that would
> boost the performance of this kind of processor.

I flirted with a syctl locking option with 5.2 (or 4.x). When one of the
logical processes used the calculation processer, the second logical
processor where locked. I turned this off. The result was that the two
logical processes started fighting with eachother to who was first in
using the calculation processer. Causing a decrease in effency and a
increase in CPU temp. I don't remeber any other options. I've stiked
with GENERIC ather this.


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