I made the mistake of trying to build and install the gimp port from an
xterm.  When I came back to it, it had started sysinstall to configure
the ghostscript driver.  Sysinstall looks great in an xterm, but
unfortunately keystrokes aren't mapped in a manner which works.  e.g.
The down arrow is echoed as "^[0B", and while normal characters such as
'x' and space are echoed properly, the sysinstall program apparently
isn't seeing them -- the characters are simply echoed over (replacing)
the text sysinstall has painted on the display, instead of "doing the
right thing" such as selecting / deselecting the current item.

Is there some simple way out of this?
I've still got the xterm up and would like to finish this install.
Or should I just kill it, exit X, and try make from a normal vty?

Thanks for any insights,

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