> Here's a new thread.
> Naming the computer host?
> I'm confused by this. As I understand it, I get a different DNS 
> assignment every time that I hook into the Internet from a different 
> location. Yet FBSD seems to want a permanent assignment which I would 
> normally get from my ISP. I don't have a permanent ISP. I mainly use 2 
> services at locations all across the USA. Normally I simply assign a 
> name to the computer, but it appears that FBSD wants a complete Internet 
> address.

Check out DHCP.   Once you have read up on that, see if you
have further questions.

Good luck,


> This appears to me to be a conflict. I think that I read in "The 
> Complete FreeBSD, 4th Edition" where there are some addresses to use if 
> the computer will never be hooked into the Internet. But that is not the 
> case here.
> Any ideas or help here?
> -- 
> Lloyd Hayes
> URL: http://TalkingStaff.bravehost.com 
> E-FAX Number: (208) 248-6590
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