On Thu, Nov 04, 2004 at 06:07:57PM -0500, Bob Johnson wrote:
> This is more of an announcement than a question, but:
> In the past, I've noticed questions from people looking for ISO image 
> file torrents for FreeBSD.  To see if there really is a demand for this, 
> I've set one up (only for FreeBSD 5.3RC2 i386 disk 1).  You can download 
> the torrent file from http://www.eng.ufl.edu/bobj/FreeBSD-5_3_RC2.torrent
> I'm using bnbt for the tracker and seeding it with ctorrent.  For some 
> reason it seems reluctant to seed to other copies of ctorrent, but works 
> fine with other clients (e.g. qtorrent).  When possible, I'll keep 
> another seed up with a different client to try to make sure a usable 
> seed is always up.
> I'll also try to upload a copy to http://www.suprnova.org to get it more 
> exposure.

BTW, we're going to have 'official' torrents for the release this
time.  Thanks for doing this for rc2 though.


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