James Hong wrote:
Hi i have problem updating the portdb since i cvsup portversion/portupgrade or anything will fail with same or similar msgs.
Im not certain how I can start

already tried portsdb -F but didnt make difference....

any help or comment is welcome

flute# portsdb -uU Updating the ports index ... Generating INDEX.tmp - please wait..Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: freeciv-gtk2-1.14.2 Warning: Duplicate INDEX entry: fvwm-imlib-2.4.19 Done. done [Updating the portsdb <format:bdb1_btree> in /usr/ports ... - 11889 port entries found .........1000.........2000.........3000.........4000.........5000.........60 00.........7000.........8000...../usr/local/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.8/portsdb.r b:587: [BUG] Segmentation fault ruby 1.8.2 (2004-07-29) [i386-freebsd4]

Abort (core dumped)

James H

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Kent Stewart explained what to do and how that came on 11/2/04 subject "portupgrade core dump fix".

Maybe it should have considered a security problem, as it is such a basic and widely used procedure and thus somehow security relevant?

When will 4.11 released? :-) I suppose this bug is fixed in 4.11.

Kind Regards, Benjamin

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