I am a new FreeBSD user coming from Debian Linux.
I think I have finally got the upgrading process done right.  I just
need to know if I am missing anything or have something configured
wrong. I have gotten bits and pieces from this forum, FreeBSD handbook
and the examples that came with this installation.  The following is the
supfile that I use with cvsup (no-gui)

# start supfile
# $FreeBSD: src/share/examples/cvsup/stable-supfile,v
# 2002/08/06 08:24:46 blackend Exp $ modified from the original file
# above cvsup hosts listed at
# http://www.freebsd.org/doc/handbook/mirrors.html.

*default host=cvsup4.us.FreeBSD.org
*default base=/var/db
*default prefix=/usr
*default release=cvs tag=.
*default delete use-rel-suffix
*default compress

# Main Ports Tree.
# end supfile

The following script is the one I use to upgrade the ports:

# start of script file
cd /usr/ports
# check and rebuild pkg database
pkgdb -Fuvf
# run ports-all cvs
cvsup -g -L 2 -r 5 /root/stable-ports-supfile
echo "."
echo "strike any key to continue"
# check and rebuild again the pkg db
pkgdb -Fuvf
# get new list and check for insecure programs
portaudit -aF > /root/portaudit_log.txt
less /root/portaudit_log.txt
# not sure if this is needed...portmanager
/usr/local/bin/portmanager -s > /root/portmanager_status_log.txt
less /root/portmanager_status.txt
# check for any needed steps before updating
less /usr/ports/UPDATING
echo "It is VERY important that you read all"
echo "of the UPDATING file!"
echo "."
echo "If you ignore the contents of this file,"
echo "you may end up with a broken system..."
echo "."
echo "You have been warned"
echo "."
echo "If after reading the UPDATING file, you need"
echo "to make any manual changes...Ctrl C to"
echo "abort this script"
echo "."
echo "otherwise strike a key to do a portupgrade"
read JUNK
# perform upgrade and generate a list of ports
portupgrade -a -v -l /root/portupgrade_log.txt
less /root/portupgrade_log.txt
# check and rebuild agian the pkg db
pkgdb -Fuvf
# end of script file

- Windows users say they travel at the speed of sound
- Linux users say they travel at the speed of light
- FreeBSD users say...what's taking you guys so long?

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