On 2004-11-08 00:41, Mark Jayson Alvarez <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good day!
>   After downloading disc1 and disc2 of freebsd 5.3, my boss told me to
> verify the download using md5.

Good thinking.

> And to my surprise, none of those two iso's have the same md5 as that
> of the md5 written in CHECKSUM.md5.

Some times, if you start downloading an ISO image while it is still being
uploaded to the ftp-master server or while a mirror still fetches the same ISO
image from ftp-master, what you get is an incomplete download.  Try comparing
the sizes of the files on the remote server after a while.  If it has changed,
the ISO iamge is still being uploaded to the FTP server; wait a bit and retry.

> Question:
>    On the middle of my download, how will I know if I'm still downloading
> the correct file, that no packet is being dropped and that I will end up in
> a perfect mirror file download? Do you know any downloading tool that will
> do just like this? Earlier, I just used the konqueror when I downloaded
> those ISO's. Is it really that hard to download? We're using E1 modems and
> our internet connection is quite fast. I'm just thinking, we are still lucky
> because of this. But how about those people with low bandwidth internet
> connection?  Do they have a choice?

All this should be handled gracefully by the TCP network.  AFAIK, there is no
easy way to verify half of a file while it's still being downloaded over FTP.

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