On Fri, Nov 12, 2004 at 11:28:18PM -0600, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Nov 12), Tillman Hodgson said:
> > I'd like to find a way to have camcontrol (or some other mechanism)
> > set the SCSI bus speed on this particular SCSI chain early in the
> > boot process, /before/ it encounters fsck and thus trips over it's
> > own feet in bus resets.
> Since camcontrol is in /sbin, you can just add a line to the top of
> /etc/rc.  A cleaner solution would be to write a small /etc/rc.d/
> script and add a "BEFORE: fsck" line so it gets run before fsck.

That seemed like a reasonable approach, so I took a stab at it.
Unfortunately, I haven't worked with custom RCng scripts before and I
can't seem to get the script to run.

Here's what I have (blank lines removed to save some space):

# PROVIDE: camcontrol_start
# REQUIRE: disks
# BEFORE: bgfsck
. /etc/rc.subr
rcvar=`set rcvar`
        echo -n "camcontrol_tillman has started "
        echo -n "da0 "
        camcontrol negotiate da0 -R10 -a -q
... (repeated for da1 through da6 (it's a 7 bay JBOD tower)) ...
        info "camcontrol_tillman has finished"
load_rc_config $name
run_rc_command "$1"

I also have the following in /etc/rc.conf:

### Tillmans custom RCng scripts

When I run the following by hand, it works:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] camcontrol negotiate da6 | grep freq
(pass6:sym1:0:6:0): frequency: 20.000MHz
[EMAIL PROTECTED] camcontrol negotiate da6 -R10 -q -a
[EMAIL PROTECTED] camcontrol negotiate da6 | grep freq
(pass6:sym1:0:6:0): frequency: 10.000MHz

Yet when I run `/etc/rc.d/camcontrol_tillman start` (or even
forcestart), all I get is:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /etc/rc.d/camcontrol_tillman forcestart
# camcontrol_tillman

Aside from the echo statements not outputting anything, a quick check
confirms that it really didn't do anything:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] camcontrol neg da5 | grep freq
(pass5:sym1:0:5:0): frequency: 20.000MHz

I'm assuming that I just don't understand something relatively simple
about the RCng system and that the script is missing something
relatively minor. Anyone care to enlighten me?


"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason
 for existing."
    -- Albert Einstein
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