On Monday 15 November 2004 11:06, Louis LeBlanc wrote:

> Funny, I'm using the nvidia-drivers port with the FreeBSD AGP driver,
> and I'm not having any problem with my desktop.  I have an Nvidia
> GeForce FX 5200 with a dual head config (using the NVIDIA Twinview
> feature) and it's just as fast as I could possibly wish.

Not here.  I use sub-pixel antialiased fonts in my Konsole windows because I 
like the way it looks.  On the Linux desktop at work (and the deprecated 
Linux desktop at home), there was no noticeable performance hit for doing 
so during regular interactive usage.  That is, a "make buildworld" or other 
take that outputs huge volumes of text would take slightly longer, but 
interactive processes like vim, less, and so on were as fast as with 
non-antialiased fonts to be eye.  However, the exact same fonts were 
rendered horribly slowly under FreeBSD.  If I were scrolling through a 
screen of text, I could literally watch the lines being redrawn as the page 
moved.  Enabling "RenderAccel" fixed the problem, although I'm still not 
sure why I have to use it under FreeBSD to get acceptable speed but not 
under Linux.

> Last time I ran comparisons, I found identical configs of the same
> software on the same hardware to be much faster on FreeBSD.  Of course,
> this was 4 years ago, but a 55% faster startup on FreeBSD isn't trivial.
> This was with XFree86 3.x and Fvwm2.2.

It's running pretty well now, so I'm content with the current setup.  I'm 
not a gamer so I don't know if it would run GL apps well, but the 2D is 
fast enough that it's perfectly usable forr me.

> But enough of that.  I'm not finding any docs on the RenderAccel option.
> Can you point me to it?

Sure.  It's mentioned in /usr/X11R6/share/doc/NVIDIA_GLX-1.0/README.Linux .
Kirk Strauser

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