
I'm having some problems with my new dual xeon with an Intel scsi raid controller (SRCU42X). I installed FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE on it.

First I get a message in my dmesg saying: "amr0: bad slot completed". After that fsck_ufs tries to run but it keeps hanging. In top it's state is "getblk". When I then try to reboot, the computer even hangs during shutting down because it can't kill some processes (fsck_ufs I guess).

After resetting the computer I get of course messages that some filesystems are not properly dismounted, FreeBSD boots, fsck_ufs tries to run and hangs again, I get the message "amr0: bad slot x completed" again, and everything starts from the beginning.

I think it has something to do with my SCSI controller. Has someone an idea what is happening here?



Bubble Memory, n.:
        A derogatory term, usually referring to a person's
intelligence.  See also "vacuum tube".
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