On Sun, Nov 21, 2004 at 08:22:24PM -0600, Chris wrote:
> Eric Kjeldergaard wrote:
> >>Which version of FBSD is currently most appropriate for use as
> >>a server (mail, NFS, samba)?  4.9?  4.10?  5.somethingorother?
> > 
> > 
> > Obviously you'll want something current so 4.9 is out of the question.
> >  That kind of leaves the 2 distinct branches.  These are the 4.x and
> > 5.x and are currently represented by 5.3 and 4.10.  Which you want is
> > rather for you to decide.  I recommend trying both.  It seems like a
> > lot of work, but is probably best.  Many say that for SMP, 5.3 has
> > advantages although there have been threads in the lists that argue
> > both ways.  I would recommend trying with 4.10 for a while and 5.3 for
> > a while and load-testing each to see which performs better and which
> > best fits your needs.
> > 
> While I agree (in part) I think the user ought to move to 5.x - 4.x is 
> legacy, and no telling how much longer it will be until there is little 
> to no support or development for it.

Is the <current> branch of 5.x (assuming 5.3 based on previous response)
been fairly stable in people's experiences?  Has it been fairly bug-free?
(I realize that is a pretty subjective question...)


Steve Camp

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