On Tue, Nov 23, 2004 at 01:18:13PM -0600, Dan Nelson wrote:
> In the last episode (Nov 23), stan said:
> > I remebr using a crses based clock in FreeBSD. It was a digital clock. I
> > can't seem to remeber it's name, and a man -k clock doesn't seem to point
> > me at it. It might have not been in the default path (/usr/ames or
> > something?).
> > 
> > Can some kind souls remind me of what this is?
> Digital or analog?  grdc (/usr/src/games/grdc) is a digital one with
> large red letters.  There's also tclock, which is an analog one, at
> /usr/src/contrib/ncurses/test/tclock.c , but you need to edit the
> source a bit to make it build.
grdc is it, I had confused it with dclock, which is X based.


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