Hi. This is a little off topic but I'm hoping someone can provide some guidance and answer a few questions. TIA.

I'm trying to learn ANSI C using a book circa 1994. It is written from a DOS perspective.
Someone at work, who knows a little C, told me that the book was "close enough".
I'm having some trouble with some of the "homework" in the book.
I think I know some of the answers but I would like to confirm my understanding.
Some of the following I have no clue about.

1) gcc complains that <conio.h> was not found. If I comment out the #include, the program compiles. Is this a DOSism or something else?

2) fprintf is described with stdprn being valid for a default printer. This does not seem to be valid in, at least, the FreeBSD world. man fprintf did not really help. I believe I have to create a stream for the print but I'm not clear on how to do it.

3) gets() is used in a number of places. Using this gets me:
/var/tmp//cciWrf9n.o(.text+0x20d): In function `get_data':
: warning: warning: this program uses gets(), which is unsafe.
I looked at the man page and found fgets. I do not understand from the fgets man page how I'm supposed to code this. I've tried a number of things along the lines of
but gcc does not like anything I've tried. It keeps telling me I have "too few arguments fo function `fgets'" Help!

4) A couple of the home work assignments use getch(). I figured out from the getch man page that I needed "#include <curses.h>" but that changes the errors to:
/var/tmp//cc1GEzyG.o(.text+0x6a): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `stdscr'
/var/tmp//cc1GEzyG.o(.text+0x6f): In function `main':
: undefined reference to `wgetch'
I do not know what header file I should be including.
Or is there something else I'm not understanding?

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