Peter Risdon wrote:
RL wrote:

Sending again... I really need to solve this.
I have a Netgear WAG511 PC Card and am using the ath driver. In my
/etc/rc.conf I have ath0 to use DHCP and also I have:
ifconfig_ath0="ssid myssid". Now, I can set this all up manually
using ifconfig and it works till I reboot. When I set it in my rc.conf
and I boot it up,

You really need to copy here exactly what you put in rc.conf and exactly what you type on the command line to set it up manually. From what you've said it's possible to assume you have two ifconfig_ath0= lines in rc.conf, and I don't think that would work. The latter would replace, not augment, the former.

I get "ath0: association failed (reason 12) for

00:0f:66:02..." flash on my screen one right after another. And when I
do ifconfig, it shows no IP address NOR the ssid I set.  For some
reason it doesn't see the SSID or DHCP I set up in rc.conf.

That doesn't follow.


I'm in late on this....

have you tried:
  an /etc/rc.conf with

and a /etc/dhclient.conf with something similar to
interface "ath0" {
send dhcp-client-identifier "YourHostName";
media "ssid YourSSID mode 11b channel 11 wepmode on wepkey 0xKeyHERE";
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, routers, domain-name-servers, domain-name, time-servers;

(mind the word wrap)

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