On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 11:09:04AM -0800, rain cip wrote:
> Hello,
> I am new to the FreeBSD ports collection system and am having some
> difficulty understanding how the ports collection works with the
> FreeBSD branches.  After having perused the ports collection doc on
> the FreeBSD website, I got the impression that it is the FreeBSD
> branch tag that determines which versions of the packages or ports
> will be installed/upgraded.  But this is somehow confusing to me when
> I need to upgrade a port.  Here is an example.  I have FreeBSD 5.3
> installed via CD so it appears to me that the "branch tag" used by my
> installation is 5.3-RELEASE.  I installed a bunch of packages from
> the CD, then updated the ports collection using the CVSup.  Now, if I
> use portupgrade to upgrade a package, on which branch will it look
> for the new ports?
> One example is KDE.  I had version 3.3.0 installed via the ports
> collection but now there is a new 3.3.1 version out there, which
> appears to be on the 5.3 STABLE branch.  But can I simply use the
> portupgrade on my 5.3-RELEASE to upgrade KDE to the 3.3.1 port?

The ports tree is not branched, so the same ports are used for all
FreeBSD versions.

Packages are slightly different, since the resulting binaries will
be different when compiled on FreeBSD 5.x vs 4.x (new compiler, updated
libraries, etc.)
I don't use packages myself, and I don't use portupgrade at all, so I
don't know exactly what it will do in your case, but I suspect it will
do the "right thing" and work fine. 

<Insert your favourite quote here.>
Erik Trulsson
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