Mário Gamito wrote:

Well, actuallly, after i make a port upgrade with cvsup, i go to /usr/ports (there's) a Makefile there, and do a "make install".
That Makefile enters an endless loop asking for libtool 1.8 (i think this is the version), that it's not in the ports.

You most certainly don't want to do that. I don't think the loop is endless, it's just very long as you will be trying to install all 11000+ ports.

What you (should) do is:

* upgrade the ports tree with 'cvsup ports-supfile'

* then upgrade the packages you need, either by
  1) go into the package directory under <collection>/<pkg-name> and
     type "make && make deinstall && make install" (assuming it was
     installed, since you want to upgrade)
  2) run 'portupgrade <pkg-name>' note, that you may have to use the
     recursive flags -r and -R for this to succeed.

BTW, what's the difference in using cvsup or portupdate to update the ports ?

See above. cvsup only updates the ports tree, ie the make files needed to build the programs for your system, portupgrade (i guess you mean that and not portupdate) will build and upgrade installed ports, using the current ports tree makefiles and patches.

This is so confusing, and i already read a lot about it.
Mybe i'm simply dumb, but i'm a Linux system's administrator for years (i remember walking with Slackware in a pack of floppies, LOL :) )

Maybe you just read too much and need to let it settle. Happens to me sometimes.

Cheers, Erik

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