At 10:07 AM -0500 12/11/04, munn wrote:
I have two FreeBSD machines running 4.10-RELEASE-p5.  On machine A
newsyslog  rolls over the log files perfectly, on Machine B I get
the message:

/var/log/auth.log.0: No such file or directory

The newsyslog.conf entries are :
MACHINE A: /var/log/auth.log            600  7     100  *     Z
MACHINE B: /var/log/auth.log            600  7     100  $W6D0 Z

An ls of the /var/log directory yields

ls -ltr auth*
-rw-------  1 root  wheel  97872 Dec 11 00:00 auth.log.1
-rw-------  1 root  wheel     95 Dec 11 00:00 auth.log.0.gz
-rw-------  1 root  wheel    176 Dec 11 09:42 auth.log

I have looked relevant permissions and files sizes on both machines
and they are identical.  Can anyone suggest what the problem is?
Is the time entry the issue ... I just copied it from another entry
in the newsyslog.conf file.

I doubt the time-entry would be the issue. That will only effect *when* a file gets rotated. It should have no effect on what should be done once it is decided to rotate the file.

You might try running 'newsyslog -nvv', and see if that shows a
difference between the two machines.

Is that 'ls' command from the machine which works, or the one which
does not work?  Either way, it doesn't seem quite right.  You should
either see 'auth.log.0.gz' and 'auth.log.1.gz', or you should see
'auth.log.0' and 'auth.log.1'.  The program is complaining that it
can not find 'auth.log.0', and sure enough there is no 'auth.log.0'.
You might want to try 'gunzip /var/log/auth.log.0.gz', and then
run newsyslog and see if it works any better.

Garance Alistair Drosehn            =   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior Systems Programmer           or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute    or  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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