On Mon, Dec 13, 2004 at 02:05:00PM -0500, Dan Kilbourne wrote:
> Bomgardner,Jon  extolled:
> > 
> > Other than that I've just been learning a lot of nifty features like
> > changing the number of rows on the display, changing colors, how to set
> > up a splash screen, etc...  Fun times!
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > Jon
> > 
> Maybe you can provide some links to some of these nifty features?
> I use a laptop w/fbsd, and X has no issues running at 1024x768, but I am
> unsure also how to get the console to that resolution - I can stretch my
> default 640x480 (I think) to take up the whole screen, but it looks
> pretty awful....

Here, the contents of my /etc/rc.conf


The relevant lines from my kernel config:

options         VESA

These are for my desktop.

Some interesting things you can do on a laptop or desktop:

vidcontrol -b red

Will set a border around your screen (in some cases) to red.

vidcontrol -i mode

Will show you what your hardware can support. IIRC, adding VESA to the
kernel options will make it possible to gain access to more of the
possible resolutions.

I don't have my laptop bits in front of me just now. In any event,
read the man page for vidcontrol; and twiddle a virtual terminal if
you play with colors; you can find out the possible combos with
vidcontrol show.
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