On Tuesday, 14 December 2004 at 21:50:45 -0600, Adam wrote:
>> In Greg Lehey's book "The Complete FreeBSD" 4th edition, he says,
>> "Do not have a separate /var file system unless you have a good idea
>> how big it should be.  A good example might be a web server, where
>> (contrary to FreeBSD's recommendations) it's a good idea to put the
>> webpages on the /var file system." p.70
>> Why is it a good idea to put webpages in the /var file system and
>> not the /usr file system?
>Because they're not part of the system.  Despite the name, /usr is
>mainly for the operating system.  /var is for content that frequently
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Okay, I understand not using /usr, but why not use /home?  Does storing
webpages in /var give you a performance increase?  Or is it convention that
you would store webpages in /var?  I'm setting up a webserver at my house
where I'll serve several websites for my friends, should I have them store
webpages in /var/username or keep them in /home/username?

BTW, awesome book.  I love reading about the old RLL and MFM hard drives I
used to config when I was a kid.  Brings back a lot of memories.


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