On Friday 17 December 2004 02:52 pm, Sean Murphy wrote:
> We have more than one mail server.  I would like to have all emails be
> able to be sent to @calarts.edu and go to the correct server with that
> email account on it.  The current set up is @calarts.edu goes to our
> main mail server but if you have an account on a separate mail server
> you must mail it to @servername.calarts.edu
> All servers are running FreeBSD 4.10 and sendmail.  Is there a way for
> sendmail to be smart and redirect the email messages from the main
> server to the other servers?
You could change the primary MX records on your servername servers to point 
the the main server, and then have a few virtusertable entries that will 
have all the incoming email farmed out to the desired server.

Anish Mistry

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