
I just went through this myself.  Take a look at the
FreeBSD handbook at  This is
in the section for advanced networking, don't have the
link handy just now.  

Additionally, you can do a man ifconfig
my ifconfig looks like this:

ifconfig_ath0="inet x.x.x.x netmask x.x.x.x ssid XXXX
wepmode on channel 1 wepkey 0xXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"

hope that helps.

--- Scott Bennett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>      I've been asked in freebsd-newbies to move this
> to freebsd-questions,
> so I'll start with my original message content after
> this line.
>      I'm trying to get my FreeBSD 5.2.1 system to
> connect to our household
> wireless net.  The router and the only other
> computer in the household are
> using WEP, so my FreeBSD machine needs to do so as
> well.  Unfortunately,
> whenever I add a WEP-related argument (e.g., wep,
> wepkey, wepmode) to the
> ifconfig command, as in
>       ifconfig fwe0 wep
> I get
>       ifconfig: SIOCS80211: Invalid argument
> I'm currently running the GENERIC kernel, so perhaps
> I'm missing some
> config option.
>      Although I've installed many other UNIX
> systems, this is my first attempt
> to get a FreeBSD system working, and thus I consider
> myself a newbie and am
> posting this problem to this list.  If someone
> thinks I should have posted
> it to freebsd-questions, please let me know.  I'm
> signed up there, too, so
> I can repost this over there if that would be more
> appropriate.
>      If anyone can give me a clue how to get this
> thing working, I'd really
> appreciate it.  The version of XFree86 that came on
> the CDROM for 5.2.1 is
> old and lacks the driver for the Mobility Radeon
> 9800 graphics card, so I
> am using the system with no graphics (and thus no
> windowing other than the
> old 4.3BSD window(1) command), which is a major
> drag.  I need the net access
> to ftp the latest-and-greatest version of X11 or
> XFree86 to make the machine
> really usable.
>                                   Scott Bennett,
> * Internet:       bennett at             
>                 *
> * "A well regulated and disciplined militia, is at
> all times a good  *
> * objection to the introduction of that bane of all
> free governments *
> * -- a standing army."                              
>                 *
> *    -- Gov. John Hancock, New York Journal, 28
> January 1790         *
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