:) why not send a mail like the one that started the thread to RedHat
and suggest to change their 'old' red hat logo, or to linux community
to drop the penguin...;)

On Thu, 23 Dec 2004 13:34:40 +0000, Paul Richards
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 01:54:31PM +0200, Daniel Blendea wrote:
> > 1. bu**s**it, Beastie is **COOL** and would be a loss of identity if
> > the logo would change;
> > Dear Sir, please read the page where what greek daemons are explained..
> Ignoring the whole beastie thing, because we've just done that whole
> issue, I think someone with skills other than coding taking an
> interest in our public image would be a good thing.
> From a business perspective we look amateurish.
> Lots of people here don't seem to care about the outside world which
> reinforces the opinion that we've become a hobby OS project now.
> If we want to be taken seriously in the commercial world then we
> need to have the right image.
> Paul.
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