On Thu, 2004-12-23 at 09:52 +0100, Erik Trulsson wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 06:48:41AM -0000, John Conover wrote:
> > Erik Trulsson writes:
> > > On Wed, Dec 22, 2004 at 08:57:00PM -0900, Damien Hull wrote:
> > > > On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 21:31 -0500, Chuck Swiger wrote:
> > > > > John Conover wrote:
> > > > > > Is UFS2 with soft updates the most robust file system in freebsd?
> > > > > 
> > > > > No, although UFS2 with softupdates is robust enough for production 
> > > > > use.
> > > > > 
> > > > > If you make the filesystem writes syncronous and disable write 
> > > > > caching on the 
> > > > > hard drive, you will improve the robustness at significant cost to 
> > > > > performance.
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > Are you saying that the UFS2 file system sucks?
> > > 
> > > Not at all, but standard IDE-drives suck when it comes to robustness.
> > > (They tend to lie and tell the OS that data has been written to the
> > > disk, when in reality it has only been written to the disks cache.)
> > > (Thus the advice above to turn off write-caching for maximum
> > > robustness.)
> > > 
> > > If you use softupdates (on a disk that doesn't lie) the filesystem on
> > > the disk will always be consistent, but data written during the last 30
> > > seconds or so might not yet have been written to the disk, and can 
> > > therefore
> > > be lost if e.g. the power to the computer is turned off.
> > >
> > 
> > Erik, does that mean if you use softupdates, (on a SCSI,) that,
> > although file(s) currently being written may be truncated since the
> > cache is not flushed, that the file system can be repaired
> > automatically by fsck to a consistent state?
> That is the idea.  With softupdates the filesystem *on the disk* should
> always be in a consistent state, such that fsck should always succeed.
> (At least that is the theory, I haven't tested how well it holds in
> reality.)
> > 
> > Even without synchronous writes or enabling cache write through?
> > 
> >     John
> > 
> > BTW, the reason for the question is that most SCSIs today have many
> > meg of HW cache, and many, (maybe most,) controllers don't permit
> > write through anymore. So, even if the OS flushes its cache, the HW
> > cache may not be written to the disk-so synchronous writes and OS
> > cache write through may be of little value.
> The only cache that can mess up things is that on the disk itself.
> Forget about any caches managed by the OS - they are handled by the
> filesystem code and flushed when needed.
> The cache on the disk is another matter.  One difference between SCSI
> and IDE is that SCSI support tagging which lets the OS determine if a
> given block has actually been written to the disk or just to the disk's
> cache.  This is needed for softupdates to work correctly.
> On IDE-disks this information is often not available which means that
> you may need to disable the write-cache on the disk (or at least make
> it write-through) to be able to rely on the guarantees of softupdates.
> A few IDE-disks and some of the newer S-ATA disks also support tagged
> queueing, but support for that is not nearly as good as it is for SCSI
> - not yet anyway.

Are you saying that it's not safe to use softupdates on IDE drives?

I've always used softupdates on IDE and never had a problem. However,
I've never had a system that was under heave load. If lots of people are
writing to the drive ( I'm thinking file server) under softupdates it
sounds like something could go wrong. 

Lets say I have a small network of 25 users. Were going to install a
file and print sever using FreeBSD 5.3 (UFS2). Because we don't have a
lot of money we get SATA drives. Should I use softupdates or not? 

If I had more then 25 users I would consider getting SCSI.

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