On Thu, Dec 23, 2004 at 09:21:52AM -0800, Kevin Smith wrote:
> Hello,  I'm asking for current recommendations on how to backup my 
> complete system (OS and all installed ports and user directories)  now 
> that i've spent quite a bit of time getting it right.  i'd hate to have 
> to reinstall everything again in the event of a drive failure.  Here is 
> my allocation:
> > df -k
> Filesystem  1K-blocks    Used    Avail Capacity  Mounted on
> /dev/ad0s2a   5948558 3071326  2401348    56%    /
> /dev/ad0s2d  23498930 1377932 20241084     6%    /home
> Questions:
> 1)  Should I purchase an inexpensive drive and clone the filesystems ? 
> If so, what is the best way to do this.  Drives are inexpensive and I 
> 20G backup drive would be fairly cheap.
> 2) I'm installing a DVD drive - I suppose I could make DVD backups 
> across multiple CD's.
> 3) any sugs ?

I've been giving this some thought also. I've played around w/ ccd, on
4.11, with two identical 40 Gig drives. I've worked w/ cdbkup; I like
it okay, as not only does it work well enough, it was a bit of a
challenge for me to learn. I've been meaning to look at DAR, but
haven't had time.

I've given some consideration to a large HDD, in a cheapo case like
the ones made by Bytecc, and dumping things over a USB 2 cable.

But if you are buying a DVD drive, maybe something like cdbkup or DAR
with growisofs (but maybe not; I only know CDRW bits) is the thing.

The only thing I'm not wild about, WRT cdbkup, is that it tars the
files in questions. I'd like to be able to mount the cd, and look at
the contents.
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