On Fri, Dec 24, 2004 at 01:28:20AM -0500, David Vincelli wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using FreeBSD 5.3-RELEASE with a custom kernel I just compiled a
> few days ago to have the atapicam device (the only difference with the
> stock kernel). I added hw.ata.atapi_dma="1" to /boot/loader.conf, and
> indeed the device is accessed in UltraDMA mode 2.  My DVD burner is a
> Pioneer DVR-108 with the latest firmware at this time (1.18). I can
> burn DVDs using growisofs but I get a vague input/output error when I
> try to mount them. (mount failed: input/output error, if I recall
> correctly). The command I use to mount is: mount -t cd9660 /dev/cd0
> /mnt. It seems I cannot mount DVDs at all, even originals. I was
> wondering if the drive was defective so I tried it under a windows
> environment and it could read the DVDs fine, even the ones I created
> under FreeBSD.  I'd give you a full listing of the full error that
> would swamp the (real) console when I tried to mount the DVDs but I
> don't have access to the box right now. It was a scsi error. asq 8,3
> is one of them from what I remember :)

Could you paste the command you used to burn your DVDs ?

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