I looked at pkgtools.conf, and I don't see a way to do what I want there.

My goal here is to make it *easy* for somebody to update the installed
ports on a machine.

Even if we could use MAKE_ARGS in pkgtools.conf to try and do this that
does not solve the problem I am seeing.

(There is a bigger problem here - if one uses MAKE_ARGS and wraps a
package tarball, one cannot subsequently tell how the package tarball
was built.  It makes sense then to always create a new port that contains
the local mods and name it accordingly.)

And it's lame to put information in pkgtools.conf that will need to be
duplicated in a ports/*/Makefile.local.

Looks like I get to learn ruby, huh?

On Sun, Dec 26, 2004 at 07:38:10PM -0800, Harlan Stenn wrote:
> I think a fair number of people would like to see it.
> It would make it Lots Easier for people to upgrade their systems.
> There are packages where it makes lots of sense to use the prebuilt ones.
> Now that I think the only feature I want is for it to "don't fetch if
> there is a Makefile.local" I'll see if I can code it up and submit it.
> Or is there a better way to handle building a port with local modifications
> besides using a Makefile.local file?

There's an alternative way, which is to use pkgtools.conf (see the
sample file).  You might be able to achieve what you want that way.
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