On Mon, Dec 27, 2004 at 06:49:35PM -0600, J.D. Bronson wrote:
> How stable and successful is HT support via SMP?
> (I presume it is supported)
> I have a P4-3.06 with HT support....
> I had a 5.3 machine with an HT/SMP kernel (no other customizations)
> and the server would randomly reboot. Could be a few hours
> or could be a week.
> I setup a new machine (same exact model and hardware) and installed 5.3 
> again on this machine and the same thing happened.
> So thinking it was the network, I disconnected the ethernet and still it 
> reboots within some time. I then ran a debug kernel and it ran for weeks 
> with no crash.
> When it did crash, there was no logs and no errors. The servers are on a 
> huge stable UPS. Solaris runs on these machines for months.
> Anyone see this? anyone have any ideas?

Try a BIOS update.  Many early revisions of BIOSes with HTT support
were buggy.

Also, make sure you have crashdumps enabled (see handbook and
developers' handbook for more details), because your "randomly
reboot"ing may actually be the server panicking because of a kernel


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