On Wed, 29 Dec 2004 14:15:27 -0500, Danny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Good day to you all,
> I would greatly appreciate any recommendations, related experiences,
> and tips for the following goal:
> On a monthly and manual basis - to take a snapshot of data from a
> FreeBSD server and Windows server. Then compress and hopefully encrypt
> the data and send it to a remote FreeBSD server through some form of
> efficient and secure file transfer. Uncompressed a snapshot of all the
> data may total over ~8GB.
> On a nightly and automated basis - to take a snapshot of all new and
> modified data from a FreeBSD server and Windows server. Then compress
> and hopefully encrypt the data and send it to a remote FreeBSD server
> through some form of efficient and secure file transfer. Uncompressed
> the nightly data may total ~20MB.
> Anytime (assuming the remote server IS available, of course)  - have
> the ability to access the data and restore the data files to any
> systems respective of what type it came from (Windows or BSD, etc).
> And if a full restore was necessary, the data may total over 10GB.
> Hardware and network-wise... here is what I was thinking:
> FreeBSD & Windows Servers on the LAN
> |
> | LAN - firewalled
> v
> FreeBSD server where all the data would be collected and compressed
> v
> |
> | Internet - secure connection or transport of some type (SCP, SSH, VPN, etc.)
> |
> | Remote co-lo
> v
> FreeBSB server where all the data would be stored with at least RAID 1

here is a helpfull link that address's a similar issue:


I have found bacula to be a very nice solution.  it is also reasonable
trivial to run bacula through a stunell.  here is the link to the
bacula site:



> Thank you!
> ...D
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