On Sun, Dec 26, 2004 at 08:31:35PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have been told it does have both already, but  I can't find it in any of 
> documentations.  I'm specifically talking about  freebsd on emulab.net. 

Yes, freebsd has had both corba and sun java for a long time.  corba is
needed by the gnome desktop which is very well supported on freebsd plus
many gnome app even if you don't use the gnome desktop.  Your pretty
much guaranteed that freebsd will have corba already installed and
running because of this.  It uses ORBit, the same implementation used on
linux and so all the same docs apply to freebsd, just check out orbits

For java, freebsd can use ibm or sun's java implementation.  ibm runs
under linux emulation and sun can run under linux emulation or natively.
There are also a few open source jvm's like kaffe available.

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