My problem is about defered mail.  On our server sendmail is running
and sometimes some mail defered. I am researching how I can get
managed to send defer mail information to senders?  I am taking a mail
from root but sender didnt take a mail that consist "your mail defered
bla bla I will take next tree minutes".. is it possible? if
it is possible how I can manage?

         O Timeout.queuereturn=2d
         O Timeout.queuewarn=4h
         O Timeout.queuewarn.normal=4h 

                /var/spool/mqamavis (5 requests)
-----Q-ID----- --Size-- -----Q-Time-----
 iBVC8fpT049046-    6361 Fri Dec 31 14:12 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                  (host map: lookup ( deferred)
                                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 iBVCIB9u051147-    6361 Fri Dec 31 14:21 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                  (host map: lookup ( deferred)
                                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 iBVDjmck072838-   19579 Fri Dec 31 15:46 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                  (host map: lookup ( deferred)
                                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 iBV68HLM055154-      30 Fri Dec 31 08:08 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                  (host map: lookup ( deferred)
                                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 iBVAnlhq030740-  354708 Fri Dec 31 12:49 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                  (host map: lookup ( deferred)
                                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
                 Total requests: 5
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