On Jan 3, 2005, at 4:27 PM, Eric F Crist wrote:

Good to know.  If I want to validate, like my first example, against
some variables, how would I do that best.  Say, for example, I have 4
possible entries for grog_firewall_enable but I want to single out
three of them:

if [ "$grog_firewall_enable" <> "YES" OR "NO" OR "OPEN" ]

is this the correct syntax? Can't seem to figure this one out.

Instead of <> you want to use != when working in (ba)sh.

I no of no way to test A != (B or C or D) on one line like that in bash.

I think the closest you can come is using 'case':

case $grog_firewall_enable in

                        echo Illegal value for grog_firewall_enable

the ":" in that case is just a placeholder. You could replace it with some commands, even your previous IF/ELIF statements if you wanted to.


ps - in case it wasn't obvious, and it wasn't to me when I first started, "fi" is "if" spelled backwards and "esac" is "case" spelled backwards. Makes it easier to remember how to spell them correctly ;-)

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