Nathan Kinkade wrote:

On Wed, Jan 12, 2005 at 10:36:30PM +0200, Toomas Aas wrote:

I have a directory structure like this

        ... etc

I'm trying to move some (but not all) subdirectories of /home to /newhome, using tar.

Are /home and /newhome on different filesystems? What wrong with a
simple mv?

Yes, /home and /newhome are on different filesystems. I was afraid that by using mv I'd lose some permissions, but now, after reading man mv, it seems I shouldn't be. Thanks for the tip.

-- Toomas Aas -------------------------------------------------------- |arvutivõrgu peaspetsialist | head specialist on computer networks| |Tartu Linnakantselei | Tartu City Office | ----------------------------------------------------- +372 736 1274

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