dick hoogendijk wrote:

Is it possible to *overrule* the arguments from a Makefile in the ports?
I know you can add some options in the pkgtools.conf (portupgrade), but
I want to disable a lot of options in the Makefile of apache13 because I
want to disable a lot of modules. Can I add the options I want to the
pkgtools.conf to *overrule* the Makefile?

When you get a menu prompt to select options, all that it does is set make variables. You can see them in the /var/db/<port>/options file, or you can see what they are in the Makefile. Either way, you can specify them on the command line as <var>=<value (usually YES/NO)> or in pkgtools.conf the same way. You're probably better off editing the options file or removing it and running "make config" on the port.

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