On 01/19/05 03:17:22, faisal gillani wrote:
Well it has been almost a year now since I first tried
FreeBSD 5.2.1 on my production server :-) " I like
playing with danger" & since then it has been just
giving me 110% always forever ... my FreeBSD server is
responsible for transferring large media files on my
network with Samba2 & Apache2
. Since I installed it I have had loads of problems
with my other Linux & windows servers but never with
FreeBSD its just always there for me .. just
DELIVERING all the time I must say I have been more
then impress with it , I have never seen a better &
faster performing server operating system EVER !!
also recently I discovered that the version I have
been using 5.2.1 was a Beta :-O ... Amazing if this
performance you get with a beta then ......
"speechless "
so now I smooth upgraded to 5.3 now ...
 Although I don't think FreeBSD with desktop OS but
with server OS I more then recommend .
& here is my little success story with FreeBSD .I LOVE
IT !!!
next stop OpenSolairs .. :-)

take care

===== *., ,.** Allah-hu-Akber*., ,.**

I was having problems using mount_smbfs to transfer files. It would throttle itself up and down because of some weird windowing thing windows does. That is what I found on the web anyway.

On a what type of network(some config info please, like any switchs?) do you share files and what is the throughput? I would get between 1-12mbits(it was a while so these numbers might not be right, but it was slow like 10mbit or less). I was transferring tv episodes between 2 pcs on a 100mbit switched network. FreeBSD to windows.

Finnally I would like to ask all those servers/pcs that are mostly idle to run [EMAIL PROTECTED] if you can. Email me if you have any questions on it. It runs itself at nice 20.

Thanks, Jason

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