Matthew Seaman wrote:
On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 12:38:01PM +0000, Chris Hodgins wrote:

Thanos Tsouanas wrote:

On Thu, Jan 20, 2005 at 12:11:04PM +0200, Cristi Tauber wrote:

===> pdflib-6.0.1 is forbidden:

Forbidden ? Why ? anyone ...

Yes this one:  just follow the link.  (pretty obvious ;))

If you insist in installing the port, 'un' break it manually.


Purely out of curiosity.. when a possible exploit such as this is discovered in a port and a patch is provided, why is it not patched immediately? I understand that when a vulnerability is discovered it is important to look for similar bugs in the file and also the entire port. Is this what takes the time or is it purely a maintainer finding the time to update it?

Again this is just out of curiosity and not related to this port in

Yes -- it's just waiting for the maintainer to provide an update.
Most maintainers in this situation will send-pr(1) a fix within a day
or so.  The security team will generally prod (via e-mail) any port
maintainer when they add a VuXML entry concerning their port -- unless
it was the port maintainer that told them about the problem in the
first place, which does happen occasionally.

PRs applying updates to ports and marked 'Security' and/or CC'd to the
security team tend to get committed PDQ, even during the middle of a
ports freeze.

Depending on the responsiveness of the maintainer and/or the severity
of the vulnerability and/or availability of patches a port may either
be marked 'FORBIDDEN' or pre-emptively patched without the
maintainer's involvement, but those are both quite rare events.

You can always override the vulnerability checking by setting
'DISABLE_VULNERABILITIES=yes' in the environment.  Often this makes
sense to do, but only once you've read through the background material
from the VuXML document -- eg. the vulnerability may permit privilege
escalation for local users, which would be bad ju-ju if you were
running a public access shell server, but no biggie if it was on your
personal desktop box that only you would ever use.



Thanks. That was very informative. :)

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