On 01/20/05 20:57:12, Derek wrote:
Collin McClendon wrote:

I've noticed for quite some time (at least on 5.x even before - CURRENT) that if I'm unzipping or tarring a file that it is enough to make xmms play mp3s with intermittent buzzing. I have a fairly fast machine, dual athlon 1.53 Ghz with 1 GB of ram and a fully scsi setup, 4 10K maxtors in a Raid 0 stripe set.

Did you ever find a solution to this Collin?

I've got a 5.3-STABLE SMP machine, with a promise RAID controller,
RAID1, with snd_emu10k1.ko, and I get the same results...  Re-nicing
xmms doesn't help either...


Could this be a problem of resource hoging on the pci bus? Are the devices on different irqs?

I just tried it without problem, but it was a small file. I have a single 2ghz athlon with builtin audio and a single ide drive.

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