
On Tue, 25 Jan 2005 you wrote:

 > .... my servers sshd reports 30 to 50 failed 
 > root/operator/etc. logins a day. I would like to block the incoming ip 
 > for a few days automaticly after e.g failed login requests.
 > Currently I am using ipf, but it would be no problem to use any other 
 > FreeBSD firewall.

For peace of mind, you can always use the AllowGroups, AllowUsers,
PermitRootLogin, .... options in sshd_config to remove ssh access to
root, uucp, operator, and other system accounts.  I only permit ssh
access to user accounts.  The scripts which are making these login
attempts are not typically going to try user accounts for obvious
reasons.  If you need off-site root access you should be using su or
sudo bash anyway.  I would recommend always turning off root access
via ssh.

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