
This is not one of those "I've run out of space on /var issues" but
rather "what the hell is using up the space" issue.

My /var file system shows:

/dev/amrd0s1e   9.8G   4.8G   4.2G    53%    /var

A du -h of /var shows a total of 616M data only. First thing that came
to mind is some process which is holding onto data so I tried
restarting various daemons - cyrus, imapd, exim, apache and still no
change. I've checked with fstat and lsof to see if I can see anything
suspicious but nothing out of the ordinary shows up.

Baring in mind this is a production mail server with about 60 000
accounts, does anyone have any other suggestions which I might try ? I
could just boot into single user mode and back out which will probably
solve my problem now but for obvious reasons I would like to know what
is causing the added usage of /var. I'm running 4.10 currently but
plan to update that to 4.11 if I have to reboot.

Thanks for your reply.

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