Greg, forgive the top post,

If you are a volunteer then you can do what you want - what are they
to do, fire you?  Har har.  Seriously - from a legal perspective you
have absolutely no obligation to follow their restrictions unless of
course they were smart enough to have you sign a piece of paper before
they let you in the door.  No contractual relationship exists between
you and them now, you can ignore what they tell you to do with impunity
as long as you don't break any civil laws, ie: theft, malicious mischief,
etc.  All they can do is tell you your not welcome in the door anymore.

If nobody at the school knows anything about FreeBSD then they won't know
the difference between 3.2 and 4.11.  What does this system boot into -
a console with a login prompt on it.  Do you think 4.11 will be any

I cannot imagine in any case that this server, as old as it is, is
on any special hardware.  I would bet that I have better hardware in my
scrap pile in the basement than this server.  You probably do too.

If you try running 3.2 your just going to set yourself up for failure.
My guess is that this is probably what they want.  They have this old
server in the corner that whomever is in charge of their network hates,
that person wants it to crash and burn to have an excuse to get rid of it
and spend the money on a nice new Windows box.  You are just helping
this person out by giving him a breather so he can work on windowizing
some other system, once he gets done with that one your FreeBSD 3.2
will be gone quicker than grapes through a goose.

To be perfectly honest you really need to rethink your help.  There's
probably a dozen other charities in the area that have worse need than
this ungrateful school, and would happily let you upgrade to a current
FreeBSD version which wouldn't be a nightmare for you to administer.

Take it from me I'm an old hand at volunteering.  Volunteers bring
their talents to an organization because the organization needs their
assistance.  It's not the other way round.  The second the organization
stops valuing the volunteer is when they start telling the volunteer
that they don't need the volunteer's efforts, and that the volunteer
can only stay on if the volunteer does it the organization's way.
But what you and the organization appear to be missing is that this
kind of a relationship isn't a volunteer relationship - it's an
employer/employee relationship.

Now I am not saying that all charities out there just wouldn't love
to have a raft of volunteers come in that they can boss around and
tell exactly what to do.  What I am saying is that charities that
actually do this generally find quite quickly that they have no
volunteers left.  About the only ones that can get away with doing
it this way are political campaigns, or charities like hospitals
that people volunteer for because they want it to look good on a
resume or some such.  Everyone else, if they want
to maintain a raft of volunteers, they cannot play the control freak
card, they have to give the volunteers that they get, some leeway.

Believe me, there's far more organizations looking for volunteers than
volunteers looking for organizations.  If you are willing to donate
your time, your a valuable commodity - and if this school wants to
get the free labor, they can't put these kinds of self-defeating
restrictions on your efforts.


> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of
> Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 5:12 AM
> To: Andrew Lewis;
> Subject: Re: FreeBSD 3.2
> Yea, that is in the works, here is alittle more info, the
> school that I am working with is moving mostly to winblows,
> and they do not have anyone to support the BSD machine or
> linux machine that they have. So the nice guy that I am, I am
> donating my time to the school to work on the servers and some
> of the sites. I got them to let me keep some of the websites
> on the BSD server so that I can have better control over the
> sites and software. But updating is out of the question at the
> momment because of policy and budget so I have to work with
> what I have at the momment. Only thing that I can do is add
> software at this time. That is why I need the info for FreeBSD 3.2
> Greg
> > On Thu, 03 Feb 2005 12:28:56 +0000
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >
> > > At this momment I am not allowed to up date from FreeBSD
> 3.2 to > another
> > version, this machine sits at a school and there policies are > slow
> >
> > Time to suggest a change of policy. ;)
> >
> > Suggest that they need to keep the server current; that you
> need to do a full
> > upgrade on another drive; pop that drive into the existing
> server; resurrect the
> > bits you need & keep that installation current!
> >
> > No-one's going to make you, but long-term this is a more
> sensible policy. ;)
> >
> > -AL.
> >
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