On Thu, 10 Feb 2005, Gregor Mosheh wrote:

I had a similar, perhaps related question. I'm making backups via tar to a SMB server, but I would rather use sftp/scp for it (the NAS supports both SMB and scp/sftp).

I don't have enough disk space to make the backup to a
tarchive and then scp that tarchive. Is there a way to
make scp/sftp read from a pipe or stdin, rather than
specific filenames? The docs haven't mentioned it, but
since the subject came up I thought it worth asking...

Hmm the other way round is easy enough,
scp [EMAIL PROTECTED]:foo.tar.gz /dev/stdout | tar -ztf -

and either way with full ssh
tar -zcf - * |ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] "cat > foo.tar.gz"
cat foo.tar.gz |ssh jhary: "tar -zxf -"

I hope some of this might help as i cant think of a way to do as you want.


--- Anthony Atkielski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Danie Du Toit writes:

Which packages are available to upload /download
large dumpfiles in a
secure fashion (e.g. using SSL). The customer
should not need any
secure client installed on his PC.

Anything that is secure will require appropriate software at both ends of the transfer, and thus will require some sort of security-aware client on the customer's PC.

SFTP provides secure file transfers.  I use SecureFX
on my client
machine, and the standard SFTP server on the FreeBSD


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