On Feb 11, 2005, at 5:58 PM, Anthony Atkielski wrote:

Nice.  It still has that devilish look to it, which might cause a
problem politically, but at least it's clean and simple and easy to

:-) Generally, in the discussion so far, almost everybody jumped through the hoops to emphasize that the need for a new logo is based on the need for a clean professional look and printability (scaling and cost due to colors) - and not about the political correctness.

The fine details on Beastie might be a problem at very small
sizes.  (It has occurred to me that a logo using only part of Beastie
might be able to get around the small-detail problem.)

I redid our beloved beastie in a simplified way that eliminates this problem sufficiently. Take a look at the following example which is reduced to just 28x42 pixels! And this is on screen! - when printing, it is possible to go even smaller with this design without any trouble. No need to drop beastie as the freebsd logo for this reason:



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