Chris Zumbrunn wrote:

On Feb 12, 2005, at 4:59 PM, Roger 'Rocky' Vetterberg wrote:

So far, I have not seen one single valid argument against a website or a new logo, so I side with the people that wants some changes to happen in this one.

Well, if you put it that bluntly, let me disagree with you :-)

If you look at the current website, you see a logo on top, a navigation bar on the left, news on the right and a large area in the middle that is reserved exclusively for advocacy content. There is nothing wrong with that concept and it can serve well as the main web page for both those that serve on a board of directors and those that are bored of directors.

Yes, the design needs a face lift. That can be done without compromising usability.

Yes, the navigation could be streamlined and should list sections such as white papers, success stories and solution guides. That stuff just needs to be produced! Without that it exists you can't link to it from the front page.

Yes, the news should be more frequent and comprehensive. You can't report what isn't happening. More should be written about FreeBSD and links to new articles should be collected and updated daily.

Yes, the advocacy content should be much more exciting and professional. There is a large need for lots of high quality advocacy content including white papers, statistics, market research, graphics, success stories, business cases, etc. All that "just" needs to be produced.

None of the above will get accomplished by splitting the site in two. All of the above needs to be done either way. Changing the design of is easy. The hard work is creating all the content that needs to go behind it.

I advocate changes, you disagree with me, and then you list a lot of points that should be changed? Im having difficulties with your logic here. :)

All of your points are valid, there are so many things that would improve FreeBSD's image with just a little tweaking. However, everytime I've tried to suggest even the slightest change to, people has started to kick and scream and preach about the end of the OS as we know it. Therefor I have abandoned every hope of ever make evolve, and instead joined the advocates of a user-friendly website.

Personally, Im backing out of this discussion now. I would love to see something happen, but there is a limit to how much resistance and stubbornes a man can take. Everytime this kind of discussion has come up, I've tried my best to support any attempts of actually making something happen, but the incredible amount of resistance we always meet has made me question if its worth it. Until core or atleast a group of committers *make* something happen, I doubt anything will change.

If you go ahead and try to change, I wish you the best of luck. The brickwall you are about to bang youre head against is very hard. ;)

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