On Sat, 12 Feb 2005 03:18:17 -0800
"Ted Mittelstaedt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> A spammer is forging several of SORBS spamtrap e-mail
> addresses on their outgoing spams.  The spams hit freebsd.org
> which of course is bouncing them back to the sender, which
> is in this case is the spamtrap e-mail addresses.  This
> triggers the SORBS autolisting.

Well, in this case, how about avoiding bounces completely? Bouncing to a
forged sender address is not the most clever (re)action these days.
Spammers and viruses abuse this succesfully (you pointed this very
I belive that deleting (maybe dropping, tarpitting or deffering -
adjust to taste) these bad bad messages is a better idea.

Adrian Pircalabu

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