Quoting Lowell Gilbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hiram Abiff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I followed your advice and rewrote my firewall rules.
> > Although, even now, there are some major difficulties.
> Please remember that you sent this message to a mailing list with a
> very large number of people.  I, for one, do not remember the earlier
> messages, and may not have read them.

I appologize for the inconvenience. I will try to be clearer.

> > I still, can't acces the net from my 2 other computers
> > via my FreeBSD firewalled gateway.
> > Although I set up on it to allow traffic on
> > ports 21, 22, 53, 8080 I can only telent to port
> > 21, all the others report a "connection refused" error.
> Where did you do this from?

I tried accesing the FreeBSD box from the 2 other computers
I have. Also I tried telneting from the FreeBSD box to itself.

> > I can ping the FreeBSD box, but i cannot ping any outside
> > IP addresseses from the FreeBSD box or the other boxes on my
> > home LAN.
> In other words, not only can't you access the net from the other
> computers, but you can't from the FreeBSD box either?

Unfortunately, yes. I tried pinging outside computers by
IP address but I can&#263;t anymore.

> Does anything work *without* the firewall?

Yes, before I started messing with the firewall I had squid
set up, I set up FreeBSD as a gateway and also as a DNS
server. I could acces the WWW, ftp, telnet and all the
other services at will, inside and outside my home LAN.
> > Also when FreeBSD is booting I caught some error messages that
> > said unknow command "setup" for some of my firewall rules.
> Kind of need more details here.  I can't see what that could be...

I was thinking maybe I misplaces the setup keyword in my
firewall rule file. Did u happen to see it, I posted it in my
last mail. I don&#269;t understand how ftp works and my
proxy serevr doesn't if I used the very same and exact
syntax to define the rules.

"It was as though a veil had been rent. I saw on that ivory face
the expression of sombre pride, of ruthless power,
of craven terror -- of an intense and hopeless despair.
Did he live his life again in every detail of desire,
temptation, and surrender during that supreme moment
of complete knowledge?"
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