On Thursday 17 February 2005 05:47 pm, Fafa Diliha Romanova wrote:
> let's get straight to it:
> whenever i telnet or ssh to something that's offline, i get
> e.g.: ssh: hostname.domain.com: hostname nor servname provided,
> or not known
> comeon, can't you guys at least change it to:
> ssh: hostname.domain.com: unknown
> thanks,
> fafa

Welcome to open source...

try the following command, as it will point out some of the source 
files you may wish to change and recompile on your system (have 
it your way, and be advised that the command "may" have wrapped):

$ find /usr/src -type f -exec grep "servname provided, or not 
known" /dev/null {} \; >> ~/omgitssourcery.txt


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