
I have a box that is running 5.2.1 on sparc64 hardware. After installing php4-mhash-4.3.8_2 via ports, apache will not start again after it is stopped. It will return to normal after I uninstall the port of coarse.

The only error message I get is this in /var/log/messages:

Feb 20 21:54:05 web1 kernel: pid 71512 (httpd), uid 0: exited on signal 11 (core dumped)

What is the next step to determine the problem? Do I need to do a core dump analysis to figure this out? If so, what is the way or best way?

Also, I noticed that it seems like I have both versions of apache installed. I do not believe that I did this so I am thinking that somehow the ports did it. I found it when I did a pkg_info:... apache+mod_ssl-1.3.31+2.8.19. This is one thing that I found odd, so I thought it may be somehow contributing.

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