On Sun, Feb 20, 2005 at 11:00:37PM -0600, Eric Schuele wrote:
> Hello,
> I am having difficulty upgrading ports on all my freebsd 5.3-stable 
> machines.  They all have been cvsup'd and built within the last few days.
> But for the last week, maybe two... something strange has been (not) 
> happening.  Portversion no longer correctly reports what ports need 
> updating.  But if I do a 'portupgrade -arR', the appropriate things get 
> upgraded.... and then later it says they 'succeed' the port!?!  It feels 
> like the INDEX is not getting update at all, or something.

Correct: the machine that builds fetchindex hasn't been getting cvs
updates since last week some time.  I'm in the process of trying to
fix this.  In the meantime, you can build your own index ('make
index') if you need to update, but this is quite resource-intensive.


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